medium:"Color lithograph with chine colle"
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%C2%A9 Jaune Quick-to-See Smith%2C Courtesy the artist and Garth Greenan Gallery%2C New York
Color lithograph with chine colleexpand_more
The Patricia and Peter Frechette Endowment Fund and the James and Maureen Duffey Endowment for Prints and Drawingsexpand_more 2008.66.4
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith combines her Native aesthetic with abstraction found in Western art. She adeptly mixes text and imagery to inject subtle hints or overt references to subjects she wants her viewers to consider. The lithographs in Smith’s four-part Survival series are named for Native social models that have given Indigenous people resilience, allowing them to survive the severe disruption brought about by colonialism. The other subjects in the series are Wisdom/Knowledge, Nature/Medicine, and Humor.